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中国非洲研究院China-Africa Institute


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Wang Xiaoming
Time : 2015-04-23


Name:Wang Xiaoming

Title: Deputy Director-general of IWAAS, Vice-President of the China-Africa Institute, Professor

Contact: wang.xm@cass.org.cn




With long-standing dedication to teaching and research activities in English language, English testing, cross-cultural communication and practice, professional development of English teachers, Prof. Wang has traveled to 22 countries and regions across Europe, America, Australia and Africa for study, exchange and investigation purposes. Throughout her 30-plus years’ of teaching career, Prof. Wang has always organized and implemented teaching activities with her commitment to "learning through language" and an international perspective. To broaden students' horizons and allow them to experience language, culture and happiness, she adopts various means to cultivate their awareness, enhance their interest and enrich their knowledge through real-life scenarios. 

Prof. Wang once worked as director of global Centre for Culture and Education GSCASS, and dean of School of Global Education and Development UCASS. As chief administrator of Global education, Prof Wang has fruitful experience of management capacity for higher education and global programs. She has been in charge of International Joint Degree Programmes, Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, China-aid educational programmes and other training programmes tailed to State-owned enterprises and government officials. Apart from Chinese students, she has received more than 1500 participants from 100 more different countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and Oceania up till the end of 2020. The participants are scholars, government officials, including many ministry level officials. Professor Wang is respected and honored "Mama" by all participants.

Prof. Wang has more than 50 publications, including monographs "A Study on the English Translation of Public Signs"; "Cross-cultural Learning Series: Interpersonal Communication"; "Cross-cultural Learning Series: Business Practices"; "Student Support Resource for the Academic Reading and Writing” as well as core journal articles "Tentative analysis of Public English Teaching and Cultivation of Cross-cultural Awareness"; "Tentative Dissection and Reconstruction of Foreign Language Curriculum System for Graduate Programs". She is also the editor-in-chief and co-editor of textbooks and Beijing English Testing System Series.


Copyright: Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, CASS

Address: 3Zhang Zizhonglu, Dongcheng District P.O.Box 1120, Beijing 100007, China