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Counsellor of Embassy of Iran in China visits IWAAS
Time : 2023-06-19
Author : An Ni

Mr. Reza Pirpiran, Second Counsellor of Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in China paid a visit to the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies (IWAAS) on June 13, 2023, and communicated with scholars of the institute. 


Mr. Reza Pirpiran at the meeting

Professor Wang Xiaoming, vice president of IWAAS presided over the meeting which was attended by Professor Tang Zhichao, director of the Division of Political Studies, IWAAS, Professor Wang Feng, director of the Division of International Relations Studies, IWAAS, Professor Yu Guoqing, research fellow of IWAAS and Dr. Wei Liang, assistant research fellow of IWAAS.

Mr. Reza Pirpiran said, Iran and China should push forward exchanges and cooperation in social sciences and other sectors, and strengthen academic communication and visits between scholars of the two countries. This is Mr. Reza Pirpiran’s second visit to IWAAS this year.


Prof. Wang Xiaoming at the meeting

Prof. Wang Xiaoming extended her warm welcome to Mr. Reza Pirpiran. She briefed on the recent academic events held by IWAAS, saying that she would expect further exchanges between the institute and thinks tanks and universities in Iran.


Mr. Reza Pirpiran and scholars at the meeting

The two sides had an in-depth discussion on the path of peaceful development between Iran and China, the background and influence of Iran and Saudi Arabia’s agreement to resume diplomatic relations after years of tensions.

(Photography: Dong Jiacheng)

Copyright: Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, CASS

Address: 3Zhang Zizhonglu, Dongcheng District P.O.Box 1120, Beijing 100007, China