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Scholars hail China's poverty alleviation efforts at 15th China Lecture in Tanzania
Time : 2023-07-03
Author : An Ni



The 15th China Lecture took place in Tanzania from June 9 to June 13, 2023 after the events in South Africa, with lectures focusing on economic growth, poverty alleviation, education and China-Tanzania cooperation.

Zhou Yunfan, vice president of CAI presided over the event

The first lecture was jointly held by China-Africa Institute (CAI) and the Center for International Policy-Africa (CIP-Africa) in Der es Salaam, Tanzania on June 10, 2023. Zhou Yunfan, vice president of CAI presided over the event and Omar Mjenga, president and chief executive officer of CIP-Africa addressed a lecture on China's experiences of poverty alleviation. The lecture was attended by more than 30 people, including diplomats from Uganda, South Sudan and other African countries, as well as scholars from University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Centre For Chinese Studies (CCS) and think tanks in Tanzania.

Mr. Omar Mjenga is delivering a speech

China and Tanzania enjoys long-standing friendship, and the TAZARA Railway, one of the main Chinese-supported projects In Tanzania, is a milestone in the history of China-Africa friendship. In March 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping chose Tanzania as the first stop of his first visit to Africa as China's new president, and Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan is the first African head of state who visited China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implying the importance of China-Tanzania relations. China and Tanzania should enhance communication between think tanks, thereby inject new vitality into the long-standing China-Tanzania friendship, said Mr. Omar Mjenga.


Professor Cai Fang, former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), former president of CAI, and Chief Expert of National Think Tank at CASS spoke on the contribution of economic recovery to poverty alleviation in China; Dr. Wu Guobao, professor of Rural Development Institute and the director of Center for Poverty Studies at CASS talked about the approaches and experiences of poverty alleviation in China; and Dr. Deng Yanting, deputy director of the Division of Security Studies of CAI talked about implication of China's experience for China-Tanzania cooperation.

Dr. Wu Guobao is delivering a speech

African officials and scholars at the lecture spoke highly of China’s efforts in poverty alleviation and the idea of people-centered development. They said that the lecture was very enriching and Africa could borrow a leaf from China and see how the continent can move forward in alleviating poverty. Africa including Tanzania need help from China in order to push forward inclusive growth in post-pandemic era and deepen China-Tanzania comprehensive strategic partnership.

Zhou Yunfan is presenting the English version of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China IV to Mr. Omar Mjenga

The second event of the 15th China Lecture was held at Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Leadership School in Kibaha, Pwani Region on June 11, 2023. Chaired by Marcelina Chijoriga, principal of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Leadership School, the lecture was attended by more than 140 members of the six sister parties, a coalition of Africa’s six political parties, namely CCN, ANC, MPLA, FRELIMO, ZANU-PF and SWAPO.

Marcelina Chijoriga presided over the lecture

Professor Cai Fang delivered a keynote speech on demographic dividend and modernization development in Africa, and Dr. Deng Yanting shared approaches and experience of China-Africa cooperation in the new era. The Chinese scholars had a heated discussion with members of the six sister parties, covering topics such as national governance, communication between Chinese and African parties, as well as opportunities and challenges of China-Africa cooperation.


Professor Cai Fang is delivering a keynote speech

Professor Marcelina Chijoriga and members of the six parties noted that China once offered its strong support to the liberation movements in southern Africa, marking a splendid chapter in the history of China-Africa friendship. Now the two sides are continuing their friendly ties by mutual learning, driving forward the exploration of both theories and practice of Chinese modernization. Such mutual learning and exchanges will also give support to Africa in tackling issues in reform and construction and improving governance effectiveness, in particularly for countries under the ruling of the six sister parties, to engage in a new wave of liberation movement that focuses on coalition and development.

Dr. Deng Yanting is delivering a speech

The third event of the 15th China Lecture took place at the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) on June 13, 2023. Chaired by Mohammad Makame Haji, principal of SUZA, the lecture was attended by nearly 100 people from SUZA and other universities.


Mohammad Makame Haji persided over the lecture

China-Tanzania relations have set a good example for China-Africa relations, and Zanzibar has been remaining close exchanges and cooperation with China. Chinese scholars are helping Zanzibar by sharing their views on national governance via China Lecture, promoting Zanzibar’s social and economic development, upgrade its industrial structure, and advance the development of its vocational education, said Mohammad Makame Haji. At the lecture, Dr. Deng Yanting talked about the main approaches and achievements of China-Tanzania cooperation; Dr. Wu Guobao talked about China-Africa cooperation in poverty alleviation; Jia Peng, associate research fellow of the Institute for Population and Labor Economics, CASS, addressed a speech titled “Education and Job Tasks in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”.

Jia Peng is delivering a speech

As the world’s largest developing country, China’s experience carries great significance for other developing countries in Africa. Thanks to the organization of China Lecture, African scholars could have face-to-face communication with the Chinese scholars to listen to what China has to say, and to help China-Tanzania friendship to grow and enjoy even brighter future.

Chinese scholars communicating with teachers and students of State University of Zanzibar

On June 11, 2023, The delegation of CAI visited DSM Tazara Railway Station and communicated with the authority on the transportation, rail routes, maintenance of the trains, and technical training of Tazara Railway. On June 12, 2023, the delegation visited Confucius Institute, University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and communicated with Zhang Xiaozhen, principal of the institute as well as African students on China-Africa youth exchanges. The delegation also met with Lela Muhamed Mussa,?Minister of Education and Vocational Training, and had an in-depth discussion on strengthening academic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between China and Tanzania.

Professor Cai Fang is presenting a gift from CAI to Lela Muhamed Mussa





Copyright: Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, CASS

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