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The 16th China Lecture held by CAI in Xizang
Time : 2023-09-11
Author : An Ni

The 16th China Lecture, jointly hosted by China-Africa Institute (CAI), Xizang Academy of Social Sciences and the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Linzhi Municipal Committee, was held on  Sept 1, 2023 in Linzhi, Xizang Autonomous Region.


Under the theme of “Achievements in Economic, Social and Cultural Development of Xizang in the New Era”, the lecture brought together more than 80 participants from the CAI, Xizang Academy of Social Sciences, and various organizations from Linzhi City and Motuo County. More than 40 government officials, scholars and university students from African countries such as Sierra Leone, Nigeria, South Africa attended the lecture online. Professor Wang Xiaoming, vice president of the CAI presided over the lecture.


Chinese officials and scholars shared their thoughts with African participants on the historic achievement and experience of lifting Xizang out of poverty and stepping into prosperity and stability along with the rest of the country. The speeches given by the scholars and officials reflected the remarkable achievements of successful governance strategy in the region under the leadership of the CPC in the new era.

Participants of the lecture in Linzhi, Xizang


Participants of the lecture at the University of Makeni (UNIMAK), Sierra Leone


Professor Wang Xiaoming is presiding over the lecture

Sun Xiangjun, Deputy director-genreal of the department of publicity of Xizang Autonomous Region, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group of Xizang Academy of Social Sciences, said that since 2012 the CPC has attached great importance to the development in Xizang as Chinese president Xi Jinping have inspected the region many times and gave important instructions. Now the region has seen remarkable achievements in social stability and economic development with steady progress in building itself into a united, harmonious and prosperous society in the new era, Sun noted.


The city of Linzhi was chosen to be the main venue of the event, because its successful practice of modernization is a typical representative of that in Xizang. Today the region is embarking on a new journey of development in the new era. Our African friends are more than welcome to the region and enjoy the spectacular scenery of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Sun said, we will continue to work together with our African friends to strengthen communication and cooperation, and build the China-Africa community for a shared future.


Sun Xiangjun is delivering a openning remarks

Xu Wuda, deputy director of the Rural Economy Institute of Xizang Academy of Social Sciences talked about the experience in eliminating absolute poverty in extremely high altitude areas of China. He noted that while addressing the poverty alleviation in Xizang, a precise poverty alleviation strategy was adopted based on the condition of the region. Precise strategies have to be made to deal with the selection of aid targets, project allocation, the use of funds, different measures for different households, assignment of officials in poverty-stricken areas and achievements in poverty alleviation. Targeted measures used for poverty alleviation such as production development, relocation, ecological compensation, education development and social security have been proved to be effective and offer solutions to the long-term problem of absolute poverty in the region.


Xu Wuda is delivering a lecture

Qin Songmao, Deputy Mayor of Linzhi municipal government talked about the great outcomes of historical reform in Linzhi which saw overall improvement in tourism, economic conditions, ecological environment, poverty alleviation and people’s livelihood. The city, home to 230,000 people, is now entering the new era of socialism with great rejuvenation under the the guidance of President Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is vigorously showing the world its openness, inclusiveness as well as rich and prosperous culture, said Qin.


Qin Songmao is delivering a lecture

Professor Li Wengang, director of the Division of Ethnic and Religious Studies of CAI talked about the inheritance and development of Motuo folk culture in Xizang, with a focus on the culture of Menba People and Loba People, two of the main ethnic groups of Motuo. He said, the Menba People and Loba People enjoy long history and make an vital part of China’s traditional culture. He elaborated on the outcomes of taking multiple measures to protect and inherit the traditional culture of Motuo. Professor Li said that we should further promote the protection and inheritance of traditional culture in the county by making full use of the sustainable cultural tourism industry, investing more in training of talents of traditional culture, and encouraging exchanges and mutual learning among different traditional cultures. A good example of such cultural exchanges and mutual learning is that in 2014, Xizang Art Troupe made its African debut in Zimbabwe and Mauritius where the Chinese artists were warmly welcomed by the local people.


Professor Li Wengan is delivering a Lecture

Professor Yuan Wu, associate research fellow of the Division of Security studies of the CAI delivered a speech titled “The role of education in poverty alleviation-A case study of Motou in Xizang”. He said, without the national grant for education, many children from poor families may have to drop out of school, leading to inter-generational transmission of poverty. Therefore, education is the key to block inter-generational transmission of poverty and cultivate the endogenic dynamics of the impoverish population. He also talked about the measures, achievements and enlightenment of poverty alleviation through education in Motou. Professor Yuan expected that China and Africa could further strengthen cooperation and mutual learning in areas such as social and economic development as well as poverty alleviation through education, and therefore making contribution to the progress of human civilization.


Professor Yuan Wu is delivering a lecture

When making the concluding speech, Wu Qingjun, vice president of Xizang Academy of Social Sciences said, the lecture has fully captured the real imagine of Xizang, and helped to promote exchanges between China and Africa by sharing the achievements in economic, social and cultural development of Xizang in the new era. From an academic prospective, China Lecture was held with an attempt to tell African friends the stories about Xizang and foster exchanges and communications between thinks tanks in Africa and Xizang. It is conducive to the people-to-people exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations of China and Africa.


Wu Qingjun is making a concluding speech

Professor Adetoro Olaniyi Banwo, vice-dean of the Confucius Institute at the University of Lagos in Nigeria, and Professor Alpha Mohamed Jalloh, director of the China-Africa Institute at the University of Makeni in Sierra Leone, hailed the achievements in poverty alleviation in Xizang. During interviews with local media, they said that if African countries can learn from these valuable experiences, they could create a better social environment.


Professor Alpha Mohamed Jalloh and professor Adetoro Olaniyi Banwo attending the lecture online


African scholars participating the lecture online

 As one of the three major lectures of the CAI, the China Lecture invites influential Chinese scholars and China experts in African countries to address major practical issues in the development of China-Africa relations. They present Chinese stories and stories of China-Africa friendship to the African people.




Copyright: Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, CASS

Address: 3Zhang Zizhonglu, Dongcheng District P.O.Box 1120, Beijing 100007, China