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Academic exchange in Sierra Leone (3)
Time : 2023-12-18
Author : An Ni

On the morning of Nov. 24, 2023, the CAI delegation visited the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone. Mr Li Xiaoyong, Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone made an introduction about the political and economic situation in Sierra Leone and the current relations between China and Sierra Leone. Professor Wang Xiaoming, vice president of the CAI briefed on the 17th China Lecture which was successfully held in Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone. Wang Gangxi from the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone and Huo Xin from the Politic Section also attended the meeting.

CAI delegation, Chinese Embassy officials are having a meeting

Group photo: Li Xiaoyong (the fourth left), Wang Gangxi (the first right) and Huo Xin (the first left)

In the afternoon, the CAI delegation visited Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG), a Chinese private company that operates mining, railways and ports in Sierra Leone. The delegation held fruitful discussions with senior management of the company including Wu Yuanbin, chief operation officer (COO) of LRMG; Chen Yi, deputy general manager of LRMG; Ding Yong, chief administrative officer of LRMG; Chen Shaolian, executive deputy general manager of Kingho Railway & Port Company, a subsidiary of the LRMG; Zhang Yaxin, deputy general manager of Kingho Railway & Port Company; Zhang Jinping, general manager of the company, and Deng Changxiong, assistant of the COO. Wu Yuanbin extended a warm welcome to the delegation and made an introduction about the business development of LRMG in Sierra Leone.

The company invested and operated the New Tonkolili Iron Ore Mine Project which is the largest investment project between China and Sierra Leone. LRMG positions itself to be a comprehensive enterprise integrating mining, processing, smelting and steel production in Sierra Leone. Since its establishment, it continues to expand its operations in the country, and is highly appreciated by the Sierra Leonean government and the local people since its projects have helped to boost the iron and steel industries in Sierra Lenone and provide more jobs. After the meeting, the delegation visited the construction site of Kingho Railway & Port Company.

LRMG senior management: Chen Yi, Wu Yuanbin, Chen Shaolian, Ding Yong (from first left to right)

CAI delegation is having meeting with LRMG senior management

Group photo

Railway connecting the mines and the port




Copyright: Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, CASS

Address: 3Zhang Zizhonglu, Dongcheng District P.O.Box 1120, Beijing 100007, China