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Yang Baorong, An analysis of Japan’s adjustment of relations with Africa from the perspective of Japan-Africa Summit held in Kenya
Time : 2019-03-23

Yang Baorong, An analysis of Japan’s adjustment of relations with Africa from the perspective of Japan-Africa Summit held in Kenya

  Contemporary World, Novemeber, 2016

  Abstract: The Japan-Africa Summit held in Kenya is a concentrated expression of Japan’s adjustments of relations with Africa in recent years. The core aim of Japan’s adjustments of relations with Africa is to reverse the backward situation of Japan-Africa relations in recent years compared with China-Africa relations,and ultimately, win the supports from African countries in international competition. However, due to the passive, utilitarian and limited nature of Japan's policy adjustments to Africa, which have constrained the deepening of Japanese-African relations.

Copyright: Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, CASS

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