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中国非洲研究院China-Africa Institute

Administration Staff

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Cheng Hong
Time : 2018-11-02

Name:Cheng Hong
Title:  Director of Office of Research Management
Contact: 010-64039173;  010-64035718;  chenghong@cass.org.cn
Born on November 1964 in Beijing, Cheng Hong is Professor and Director of  Office of Research Management, IWAAS. In 1987, she graduated from Beijing Normal   University and was awarded a Licence degree in the Department of Library. From 1987  to 2013, she worked in the library of IWAAS and was charged of the documentation and research on Middle East and Africa’s affairs. She has been Deputy Director and Director of the liberary of IWAAS.  Since 2014, she works in the Office of Research Management of IWAAS and is in charge of research management and international cooperation. She is also the Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Association of Middle East Studies.

Major Publications:

Cheng Hong (co-dir.), West Asia and Africa by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press,2010. 
Cheng Hong, Chinese Literature Review on Middle East(1949-2009), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press,2011.
Journal Articles:
Cheng Hong, Chinese Twenty Years’ Research on Islamic Problem, West Asia and Africa, Issue No.5, 1998. 
Cheng Hong, Utilization and Management of Foreign Academic Journals of IWAAS, West Asia and Africa, Issue No.9, 2008. 
Cheng Hong, Chinese Literature Review on Middle East during 60 years, West Asia and Africa, Issue No.4, 2010. 
Cheng Hong, Hot Issues on Middle East discussed by Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, West Asia and Africa, Issue No.10, 2010. 
Cheng Hong, Development and Utilization of the Second Literature of Professional Library under the Network Environment, Library Forum, Issue No. 2, 2011.

Copyright: Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, CASS

Address: 3Zhang Zizhonglu, Dongcheng District P.O.Box 1120, Beijing 100007, China